Fresh Cut Flower Bouquets

Welcome to Rusty Bell Farm & Garden

You can find our beautiful fresh cut flowers in

Lebanon, Springboro, and Mason Ohio.



Beauty is an essential part of our daily lives.

It gives us joy, peace, and comfort.

Fresh cut flowers are an quick and easy way to bring beauty into your home.

An elegant flower bouquet you took the time to choose and design is such a thoughtful way to create a warm welcoming invitation to gather around the dinner table, enjoy a meal, and share stories of your day with friends and family.

Flowers are a constant changing source of beauty.

Our fields are overflowing with a variety and abundance of delightful old fashioned garden flowers and the natural charm of native wildflowers.

We grow, harvest, and design them into breathtaking mixed flower bouquets, so you can surround yourself and your family with beauty.

There is a wise old saying clearly expressed by someone who understood the importance of joy the beauty of flowers creates.

“If you have two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a lily!”